Name | Unit | Rate [GBP] | Amount | Value [GBP] | |
U. S. Dollar | [USD] | 0.761749 | 150 000 | 114 262.4 | |
Swiss Franc | [CHF] | 0.893918 | 0 | 0 | |
S. D. R. | [XDR] | 1.031287 | 0 | 0 | |
Swiss Franc | [CHF] | 0.893918 | -150 000 | -134 088 | |
Sum of currencies:    -19 825.4    [GBP]   | |
Name | Unit | Rate [GBP] | Amount | Value [GBP] | |
Bitcoin | [BTC] | 46 295.7 | 94 | 4 351 796 | |
Ethereum | [ETH] | 1 790.057 | 16 | 28 640.91 | |
Ethereum | [ETH] | 1 790.057 | 10.50262* | 18 800.29 | |
Sum of cryptocurrencies:    4 399 237    [GBP]   | |
   * based on blockchain address
Total assets: 
4 398 040