Hello Warren!

Rates Updated:    

NameUnitRate [GBP]AmountValue [GBP]
U. S. Dollar [USD] 0.768838 150 000 115 325.7
Swiss Franc [CHF] 0.888358 0 0
S. D. R. [XDR] 1.022116 0 0
Swiss Franc [CHF] 0.888358 -150 000 -133 254
Sum of currencies:    -17 927.9    [GBP]  
NameUnitRate [GBP]AmountValue [GBP]
Bitcoin [BTC] 51 889.72 94 4 877 634
Ethereum [ETH] 2 038.817 16 32 621.07
Ethereum [ETH] 2 038.817


21 412.93
Sum of cryptocurrencies:    4 931 668    [GBP]  
Precious metals
NameUnitRate [GBP]AmountValue [GBP]
Gold Ounce [OZ] 2 102.891 8 16 823.13
Silver Ounce [OZ] 26.24582 100 2 624.582
Sum of precious metals:    19 447.71    [GBP]  
   * based on blockchain address
Total assets: 
4 933 188